The good fight


The Good Fight

Part 8: Fight the Good Fight of Faith  |  03/08/20

Study Questions for 1 Timothy 6:11-21

1.  Read 1 Timothy 6:11.  What is Paul telling Timothy to 'flee' from?  And what does 'fleeing' look like in this context?

     a)  Why should we flee from false teaching and things that distract us from following Jesus and fighting the good fight?

2.  What does it mean to 'pursue' something - what does it look like? 

     a)  What things will we do if we are truly pursuing each of the following things: righteousness? godliness? faith? love? endurance? gentleness?

3.  Read 1 Timothy 6:17-19.  What things in this passage give us the confidence to live boldly?

     a)  What fears do you have about living boldly for God?

     b)  How do verses 17-19 combat these fears?

4.  Read verse 19 again.  What does 'true life' look like?

5.  Read 1 Timothy 6:20.  What has been 'entrusted' to your care?

     a)  How can you make sure you 'give yourself wholly to them'? (1 Timothy 4:15)

     b)  How can you 'persevere in them'? (1 Timothy 4:16)

Part 7: Don't Be Distracted as You Fight  |  03/01/20

Study Questions for 1 Timothy 6:3-10

1.  What is your natural reaction when you're in a situation where you know someone's doing or saying something wrong?

     a)  What's the problem with taking whatever you hear as 'truth'?

     b)  How does this apply to when we listen to Christian teaching, podcasts, blogs or books?

2.  Read 1 Timothy 6:3-4.  How can we know whether teaching is 'sound' and 'godly'?

3.  Read 1 Timothy 6:4-5.  What does an "unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words" look like?

     a)  How does this relate to Paul's commands toward faith and love in the church (see 1 Timothy 1:3-7)?

4.  Read 1 Timothy 6:9-10.  How does wealth and materialism distract us from the good fight?

     a)  Read 1 Timothy 6:6-8, 17-19.  What is the antidote?  

     b)  What does this mean for you in terms of lifestyle decisions and priorities?

5.  Take a few moments to evaluate your life.  What in your life is most likely to distract you from the good fight and make you wander from the faith (v21)?  

     a)  How can you guard what's been entrusted to you so your faith stays strong (v20)?

Part 6: Fight as a Family  |  02/23/20

Study Questions for 1 Timothy 5:1-6:2

1.  What is unique about a 'family' relationship compared to even the closest friendship, regardless of the quality of the relationship?  

     a)  Read 1 Timothy 5:1-2.  How can we learn to see the people in church and not the problems?

2.  Read 1 Timothy 1:5.  "The goal is not correction or having the perfect church.  The goal is having a community of people who love each other."  How does this this goal shape our expectations of the church?

     a)  What is your response to the question: "Do you love people and allow God to change them, or do you need them to change so that you can love them"?

3.  Read 1 Timothy 5:9-16.  The beliefs and therefore the behavior of a small group of women was significantly influencing the church.  How are your beliefs and choices influencing your immediate family and your church family?

     a)  Take a moment to think about the things you value, the way you talk about people, your attitude to the church, the way you make decisions, the advice you give to people, what you 'like' and post on-line, and the things you permit in your home.  Based on these things, what is your theology?  What would your children or your co-workers say you believe?

4.  Read 1 Timothy 5:17-20.  What are the specific things these verses say we are to do?   

     a)  How could we make sure we do this at East Park?  

     b)  What could you do this week to encourage an elder or church leader?

Part 5: Fight Confidently  |  02/16/20

Study Questions for 1 Timothy 4:1-16

1.  Read 1 Timothy 4 out aloud.  What are some of the ways we pursue 'the good life'?  Who do we trust to get us there?

2.  Read 1 Timothy 4:1-2.  How are 'deceiving spirits' related to false teaching?  

3.  Read 1 Timothy 4:6.  The false teachers in Timothy's church were using scriptures to back up their falsehoods - see also Luke 4:9-11 and 2 Corinthians 11:14-15.  How can we discern today whether a teaching is true and life giving, or not?

4.  Read 1 Timothy 4:7.  How are you currently 'training yourself to be godly'?  What could you start doing to be more intentional about it?

5.  Read 1 Timothy 4:11 and Psalm 119:105.  Commit yourself to reading the Bible this week ( and come to Life Group ready to share 'what God's saying to you' and 'what you're doing about it'.

Part 4: Lead the Fight  |  02/09/20

Study Questions for 1 Timothy 3:1-16

1.  Why is practicing what we preach so important in leadership?

2.  What things can turn 'the good fight of faith' into a bad fight (the way the Ephesians were fighting)?

3.  Look at the qualifications for leadership (elders and deacons, 1 Timothy 3:1-13).  Why are these attributes so important for people leading 'God's household'?

4.  Consider the context of 1 Timothy and the true state of the church in Ephesus.  Why was Paul putting so much emphasis on the attributes (the personal lives) of the church leaders?

5.  Read 1 Timothy 3:14-15.  What is the ultimate outcome of good leadership/godly influence in a church?

Part 3: Fight to Live in Peace  |  02/02/20

Study Questions for 1 Timothy 2:1-15

1.  Read 1 Timothy 1:5, 2:2.  Why didn't Paul command Timothy just to kick out the false teachers?

2.  Read 1 Timothy 2:1-2.  What does it look like for you to focus on your attitude to your authorities, not on your authorities attitude?

     a)  How do we stay thankful for rulers and authorities in our life who are not godly, or don't display godly behavior? 

     b)  Why should we respect their calling? (see 1 Timothy 2:3-7)

3.  Read 1 Timothy 2:8-10.  How can our need to be right or well thought of become a problem in the church?

4.  How does the historical context in Ephesus and the original language of 2:11-15 influence our understanding of these verses?

5.  How does disunity in the church and negative attitudes towards authority affect our effectiveness and credibility in our community?

Part 2: Fight the Good Fight  |  01/26/20

Study Questions for 1 Timothy 1:12-18

1.  Think of a situation where you were asked to do something that you had no idea how to do.  How did you feel?  What did you do?

2.  Read 1 Timothy 1:12-15.  How did God show His 'immense patience' to you?

     a)  Why does God show us mercy?

3.  In 1 Timothy 1:12 Paul describes his calling from God.  What is the difference between just being saved, and embracing your calling from God?

     a)  What difference does this make in how you live your life?

4.  Living out our calling can mean we need to confront things and experience conflict.  What is your natural response to conflict, and how does that response help or hinder you in doing what God is calling you to do?

5.  How does it change your understanding of calling to not think of it as: "what should I do?", but as: "who should I be?"

     a)  Where has God already put you, and how does this understanding change the way you view your life?

6.  The main obstacle for Timothy was two false teachers within the church.  What are the internal obstacles you face to fight the good fight God is calling you too?

7.  Read 1 Timothy 1:18-19. What does it mean for you to "hold on to faith" in your life this week?

Part 1: Fight for the Truth  |  01/19/20

Study Questions for 1 Timothy 1:1-11 and Introduction

1.  How do you think we should determine if a teaching is true and biblically correct?  

     a)  What does 1 Timothy 1:3-5 teach us about how we can be sure a teaching or belief is true?

     b)  Read verse 4 again.  Be honest, do you have any 'pet' belief or teaching that doesn't lead to greater godliness or spiritual maturity, but unnecessarily alienates and causes division?

2.  1 Timothy 1:5-7.  What do these verses teach us about how we wander away from the truth? 

     a)  Does anyone come to mind when you read verse 7?  Why?

     b)  To what degree do you behave like this?

3.  Read 1 Timothy 1:5.  Why is it so important to communicate the truth lovingly and with grace?

     a)  What's the connection between having sound doctrine and living a mature godly life?  Can you have one without the other?

4.  How do you stay grounded in the Word of God?  

     a)  What changes do you need to make to spend time regularly with God in His Word?

5.  How can you fight the good fight more effectively this week?